Hyperspace Document Prototype

The following outlines the Hyperspace document prototype (not all field types are included).

Document prototype
document = {
        'some_counter'       : 8,                        # unsigned integer
        'visit_times_1y'     : ['Saturday, August 21, 2010 11:22:31 AM','Friday, August 20, 2010 7:35:51 AM'] # date         
        'field0_embeded32'   : [0.45,0.99,0.543,0.324],  # K elements vector
        'field2_int'         : None,                     # null integer
        'field3_float'       : 7.45,                     # scalar float
        'field4_list_float'  : [7.459],                  # list of float - 1 element 
        'field5_list_float'  : [7.459, 3.4],             # list of float - 2 element 
        'field6_list_float'  : [],                       # list of float - 0 element 
        'field7_str'         : None,                     # scalar string - null
        'field8_str'         : 'jojo',                   # scalar string
        'field10_list_str'   : [],                       # list of string - 0 element           
        'field11_list_str'   : ['jojo'],                 # list of string - 1 element 
        'field12_list_str'   : ['jojo', 'koko']          # list of string - 2 element
        'field21_list_ip'    : [,,] # geo location          

Most fields support the use of list types, where a vector field type is used for vector and hybrid search. Other types (metadata) are used in lexical and hybrid searches.

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