Term Match

The term query is used to search for documents that contain a specific exact value in a particular field. It is designed for exact matches and is commonly used for fields that are not analyzed, such as keyword fields.

You can match either keywords or keywords or lists . For keywords, match requires exact match between the keywords and for lists of keywords, it requires an exact match between any two keywords in the two lists.

Example 1:

  "query": {
    "term": {
      "Continent": "Asia"

In the above example, Candidates must include the field 'Continent' and contain the value "Asia" under the field 'Continent' will be returned

Example 2:

  "query": {
    "term": {
      "Continent": ["Asia", "Europe", "Africa"]

In the above example, candidates must include the field 'Continent' with any of the following values - "Asia", "Europe", "Africa" under the field 'Continent' will be returned

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