Metric Aggregations
Metric Aggregations allow you to compute and analyze numeric measures on sets of documents. Metric aggregations operate on a numeric field in documents and produce a single numeric result for the specified metric.
To create a metric aggregation, follow the following template -
Where -
agg_name - aggregation results will be saved under this key
metric_type - the type of aggregation. Possible values are:
sum - Returns the sum of the field over the relevant candidates
min - Returns the min of the field over the relevant candidates
max - Returns the max of the field over the relevant candidates
avg- Returns the average of the field over the relevant candidates
count - Returns the total number of valid field entries in the relevant candidates
cardinality - Returns the total number of valid field values in the relevant candidates
percentiles - Returns the percentiles of the field over the relevant candidates.
fieldname - the name of the field to be used in the aggregation
Example 1 -
In the above example, the sum of the field "sales" will be calculated and stored under a key named "total_sales"
Example 2 -
In the above example, the number of unique values of the field "user_id" will be calculated and stored under a key named "unique_users".
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