The functionadd_batch(batch, collection_name) uploads a batch of documents to a collection.
batch – Represents the batch of documents to upload. The structure of each document must conform to the database schema configuration file. It must be of type list [dictionary].
collection_name – Specifies the name of the Collection into which to load the document.
Example 1 -
The following code snippet builds a list of documents in a temporary variable named batch and then uploads each batch using –
The following example uploads batches of 250 documents for. Documents are added to the batch, and once a batch reaches 250 documents, it's uploaded to the Hyperspace Collection.
Copy the following code snippet
batch = []
collection_name = "new_collection"
for i, document in enumerate(documents):
batch.append(document )
if (i+1) % BATCH_SIZE == 0:
response = hyperspace_client.add_batch(batch, collection_name)
if batch:
response = hyperspace_client.add_batch(batch, collection_name)
import java.util.ArrayList;
final int batchSize = 250;
for (int i= 0; index < documents.size(); i++) {
if ((i+ 1) % batchSize == 0) {
List<DataPoint> batchCopy = new ArrayList<>(batch);
futures.add(hyperspaceClient.addBatch(batchCopy, collectionName));
if (!batch.isEmpty()) {
futures.add(hyperspaceClient.addBatch(new ArrayList<>(batch), collectionName));
CompletableFuture.allOf(futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0])).join();
document – Represents the document to upload. The structure of each document must be according to the database schema configuration file. Must be of type dictionary.
BATCH_SIZE – Specifies the number of documents in a batch.
commit – Is required for vector search only. commit should only be performed after the data upload is complete.
In this method, each document will be assigned with an automatic identifier.