Quick Start

This guide explains how to set up the Hyperspace database in minutes.

To start using Hyperspace, follow these steps:

1. Installing the Hyperspace API Client

Run the following shell command in your code or your data terminal –

pip install git+https://github.com/hyper-space-io/hyperspace-py

for more information, see here.

2. Creating a local instance of the Hyperspace client

Once you receive credentials and host address, use the following code to connect to the database through the Hyperspace API.

hyperspace_client = hyperspace.HyperspaceClientApi(host=host_address,

3. Running Hyperspace queries

Create a schema file

The schema files outline the data structure, index and metric types, and similar configurations. More info can be found in the configuration file section.

Create a collection

Copy the following code snippet to create a collection

hyperspace_client.create_collection('schema.json', 'collection_name')

Where –

  • 'schema.json' – Specifies the path to the configuration file that you created locally on your machine.

  • 'collection_name' – Specifies the name of the collection to be created in the Hyperspace database.

Upload Data

Data can be uploaded in batches. Copy the following code snippet to upload data

batch = []
for i, data_point in enumerate(documents):
   if (i+1) % BATCH_SIZE == 0:
      response = hyperspace_client.add_batch(batch, collection_name)
if batch:
  response = hyperspace_client.add_batch(batch, collection_name)


  • data_point – Represents the document to upload. Each document must have dictionary like structure with a keys according to the database schema configuration file.

  • BATCH_SIZE – Specifies the number of documents in a batch.

  • commit is required for vector search only

Build and run a query

Hyperspace queries are one of the following types of search –

  • Classic Search

  • Vector Search

  • Hybrid Search

Classic and hybrid search require a score function of the following form:

 def score_function (params , doc) :
    score = 0.0
    if match ('metadata field 1'):
       score = 1.0
       if match ('metadata field 1'):
          score 2.0
 return score

Specify that this score function file is to be used for the Classic Search, as follows –


To run a hybrid search query –

define the query schema and run

results = hyperspace_client.search({'params': query_body},

query_body must have a similar structure to the database documents, according to the query schema config file. If query_body includes fields of type

Retrieve Results

To retrieve results, use the following command

results = hyperspace_client.search(vector_query_schema, size=5,   collection_name=collection_name)                 

results is a dictionary has two keys – {'similarity': {}, 'took_ms'}

  • took_ms – is a float value that specifies how long the query took to run, such as 8.73ms

  • similarity – Returns a list. Each element of the list represents a matching document. For each document, it specifies the score and the vector_id that you can use to retrieve the document from the Collection.

Here is an example of what results might look like if they were printed on the screen –


[{'score: 513.7000122070312, 'vector_id': '78254'}, {'score: 512.5500126784442, 'vector_id': '23091'}, {'score: 485.5471220787652, 'vector_id': '85432'}]

a more detailed guide is available here.

Last updated

#108: Max's Nov 6 changes

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